*She's trying so hard to sit up on her own, but not quite there yet.
*She can put her binkie in & out of her mouth all by herself.
*She gives kisses (well she pretty much licks your face hahaha).
*She's still sleeping and eating good.
*She's starting to learn how to jump in her jumperoo.
*She's still wearing size 1 diapers, and is finally growing into 6 month clothes.
*She likes when I sing & read to her.
*She still loves being outside.
*She's almost crawling, she still scoots around on her tummy by pushing her feet.
*She loves Levi, for some reason he makes her laugh.
*She loves playing with all her toys & figuring out how they work.
*She's been sleeping in her own room in her crib for a month and a half now.
*We have to strap her into EVERYTHING now because she can flip herself out of things (car seat, bouncy seat, swing, ect...).
I can't believe all the things she's doing now, she's growing up so fast! Our little miracle baby is growing into a big girl (11 lbs. in 7 months-wow!).
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